Thursday, April 11, 2013

Its been awhile..

It's been about a year or so since I last updated this grave yard blog of mine! Sorry for the lack of updates!

It's been quite a ride since the last time I updated this place. Lots of things have changed. I was single and then attached again, new friendships, new experience and holidays!

Let's start updating you guys one by one shall we? hahah!

I've broken up with my exboyfriend, D, last year around Mar after a huge fight. We've been fighting for awhile back then and it seemed like the end of the road for the 6-year-old relationship. I met my current boyfriend, R, way back in Secondary school. We were from separate schools but met through mutual friends. R and I have always kept in contact sparingly and was considered my confidant. Throughout my friendship with him, he was always there to listen to my ridiculous calls at 3am in the morning, skype me all the way while I was in Aussie cause I was upset about issues back home, serenade me with his guitar over the phone to distract me about my issues. He was my best friend, the secret one. Friends would always tell us how they think we would end up together. We knew how good we were together as friends but it wasn't until recently did we decided to give relationship a try. We both loved each other very much, make no mistake about that. But we weren't sure how this would affect our friendship previously, afraid to spoil what was so good between us. Nine long months later, we were glad we have each other, bestfriends and as partners. :)

The picture above was taken during our trip to Phuket together last month! We were trying to get away from the hectic school life that doesnt seem to end! hahahaa R and I really enjoyed ourselves. Thailand is now his second home for the fact that he loves it so much and visits so often every year! 

Besides having R as a new addition to my life, his mum, (hereby called LMum) has also warmly accepted me into the family. Despite the friendship between R and me, I never really met his mum face to face before being in this relationship. Hahahaa LMum is like an extra mummy to me, always taking care of me when I'm over, treating me like her own. I've never felt more at home with R and his mum whenever I go over for meals on the weekends. We order in, have our mini movie while having dinner and just coze up on the couch for desserts. Being accepted by his mum is more than I can ask for. Being part of his family makes me grateful beyond words. :)

Another new addition to my life is R's second love! Hope, the super manja ninja! hahahaa!

Hope, the super manja ninja! She is now 11 years old!

Hope is like his little sister, as he is the only child. R has another side of his family which entails 4 younger step siblings (which I adore as well!) but Hope is the baby of the family on this side. :) She is always excited when I go over, asking for a belly rub as soon as I step in the room, throwing her tantrums and acting like such a baby girl! We all swear that she's always behaving like a spoilt little girl although she's an 11-year-old dog!

Despite all these new additions, there are also some improvements in my family! :)

Sizzy and I have gotten slightly closer in this past year. She's now studying in Bishan Park Sec and well, we have our chats over SMS or whatsapp as I'm not home much due to school commitments. 

Speaking of which, I am super excited to be planning a beach outing with Sizzy this saturday! It's been awhile since both of us did something fun together! We just had dinner together yesterday but suntanning at the beach with my sister sounds like an awesome weekend date! :)

Life isn't always rosy and smooth sailing this past year. School life is as dramatic as usual. Had been prepping for the school arts festival called i-AM Arts Festival 2013 this year and its been a hell of a journey. Sure, I'm walking away with valuable experience. Not only about work but about people. Its been a tough fight and journey but I'm still walking through it, even now! Evaluation for my team is only done 24th April so until then, I'm still hanging on.

The management team and our two artists for the event, On Sonic Art. We are known as SouArt Productions, a student collective that aims to promote sound art and intergenerational bonding in the community. 
From Left: Serene Chew, Jason Ang, Pauline Tan, Charlene Looi (Artist), Hector Lee (Artist), Sandra Lee, Ethel Tan and Myself
Our third artist, Jon He is situated in California and couldn't be physically present. Additionally, our artistic director, Brian O'Reilly is also a resident lecturer at LASALLE.

In a nutshell, many good and bad happened this past year. But I never regret any single one it for it will make me stronger inside and out. :) 

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