Sunday, February 5, 2012

takes the life out of me

Sometimes, more often than none, it takes the life out of me to actually try and keep updating my blog. I used to have that habit but its become a little tiresome to keep it up. However, I'm trying to the best of my ability. Considering that I am on for another year as LASALLE's Youth.Sg campus spy! :D

Totally excited to be working with Youth.SG again although my involvement last year was fairly short. Also, back at work with Boost Singapore and we've opened up a new outlet in T3's transit lounge. So pop on by when u're flying off and arriving back in Singapore. (or just visit our city outlets :P)


school is starting to pick up pace this term as its a seemingly short school term this time round. Term 4 afterwards is mainly just assessment weeks. :O

My relationship is actually better this year. :) I've learnt to accept the stability of our relationship and sometimes take joy in it although there were times I wished we were more ... spontaneous? hahaha. I think thats the word it lacks. :P

Basically, February came around and both mudder's and my birthday passed. Life's all good and wait for my next post. :P promise it'll be soon! :D

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